Microsoft Teams is an evolving product, and Microsoft are focussed on developing many aspects of the Teams ecosystem. For enterprise, where custom Teams apps are being deployed to the user base, the policies that define which apps are seen by users is particularly important.
PolicyType parameter
At the time of writing this post, there’s an option to create group policies of many different types (see reference documentation), including:
- CallingLineIdentity (Caller ID policies)
- TeamsAppSetupPolicy (App Setup policies)
- TeamsCallingPolicy (Calling policies)
- TeamsCallParkPolicy (Call park policies)
- TeamsChannelsPolicy
- TeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy
- TenantDialPlan
- TeamsEducationAssignmentsAppPolicy
- TeamsMeetingBroadcastPolicy (Live Events policies)
- TeamsMeetingPolicy (Meeting policies)
- TeamsMessagingPolicy (Messaging policies)
- TeamsShiftsPolicy
- TeamsUpdateManagementPolicy
There’s a bunch of policies from the Skype for Business days, that are currently not enabled in the Teams group policy configuration. Presumably they will be enabled in the future some time. These PolicyTypes (listed below) are valid, but for group policies, they are not yet enabled:
- TeamsAppPermissionPolicy
- TeamsClientConfiguration
- TeamsComplianceRecordingApplication
- TeamsCortanaPolicy
- TeamsEmergencyCallingPolicy
- TeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy
- TeamsFeedbackPolicy
- TeamsIPPhonePolicy
- TeamsMobilityPolicy
- TeamsUpgradeConfiguration
- TeamsUpgradePolicy
- TeamsVideoInteropServicePolicy
As someone who is keen to enable market-wide Microsoft Teams app capability, I’m particularly keen to see the TeamsAppPermissionPolicy PolicyType ,made available. Without this, app permissions (whether or not a Teams app is allowed to be used by a user), must be specified at the user level. Making it difficult to manage at medium and large enterprise level environments.