Add a Repeating Section to a Canvas App

  16 mins read  

When looking into Canvas apps as a replacement for InfoPath forms, or Nintex Forms, one of the first concepts to consider is repeating sections.

Canvas apps don’t have a pre-canned implementation of a mrepeating section in the way you might be familiar with them in InfoPath and Nintex. They do, however, have a concept of a Gallery - which is the same type of control as a repeating section.

The main difference a Canvas app Gallery has is, in order for it to behave like a form, where the contents of the repeating section gets saved only when the form is saved, the Gallery control needs to be bound to a Collection as it’s data source.

Collections are created in-memory, so the data is populated, and maintained, within the lifetime of the user’s Power App session. In this demonstration, the Collections will be populated by retrieving and saving data in a Dataverse table. Using the Gallery control, and Collections, can easily be adapted to other data sources as well, including SharePoint lists, and even, a hidden column in the form’s data source, using JSON.

The goal of this demonstration is to keep the repeating section data in memory until the rest of the form is ready to be saved or submitted. That way, users won’t end up with accidental data saved for forms they didn’t mean to submit.

There are 11 steps to add a repeating section to a Canvas App:

  1. Set up your Canvas app to accept an ID for previously saved form data
  2. Create the form’s Dataverse tables
  3. Configure the form’s data sources
  4. Add an Edit form to your Canvas app
  5. Add two Collections to your Canvas app to hold the repeating section data
  6. Add a Gallery to your Canvas app as the UI for your repeating section
  7. Add Text input controls to your Canvas app’s gallery
  8. Add a ‘Remove’ icon to your gallery
  9. Add an ‘Add’ button immediately below your gallery
  10. Update the Edit form’s OnSuccess property to save the repeating section data
  11. Add a ‘Save’ button to save or submit the data entered by the user

Read on to find out the detailed steps needed to create a repeating section on your Canvas App with behaviour you’d expect for users submitting a form.

Set up your Canvas app to accept an ID for previously saved form data

Your Canvas App will be used to load previously saved form data in to the app, so you need a way for it to accept the ID value of the form data to be loaded. The best way to do this is to add a formula to the OnStart property of the app.

From the Tree view in Power Apps Studio, select the App, and in the Properties pane, in the Advanced tab, find the OnStart property. Add the following formula:

If(Not(IsBlank(Param("LoadID"))), Set(LoadID, Param("LoadID")));
If(IsBlank(GeneratedTitle), Set(GeneratedTitle, "Submission by "&User().FullName));
Set(BlankGuid, GUID("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"));

This formula does three things:

  1. Looks for a query string parameter named LoadID, if specified, sets an internal variable called LoadID to the value of the query string parameter
  2. Checks if a variable named GeneratedTitle is blank, if so, set the value of this variable to "Submission by [User.FullName] - this will be used later if the default Name Primary column remains in the Dataverse table, or if you’re using SharePoint lists to store your data, a value for your Title column.
  3. Creates a variable named BlankGuid with a 0’ed out GUID value - useful if we want to test that a GUID hasn’t been generated yet as a record’s ID in Dataverse.

Create the form’s Dataverse tables

To save the form data, and the repeating section data, we’ll use two custom Dataverse tables:

Display name Dataverse Schema name Description
Requests for Reimbursement crc06_RequestForReimbursement Stores the main form data
Request for Reimbursement Items crc06_RequestForReimbursementItem Store each form’s repeating section item data

The Request for Reimbursement Items table has a relationship with the Requests for Reimbursement table, with a Lookup column named Requests for Reimbursement (or crc06_RequestForReimbursement)

Columns in Requests for Reimbursement Dataverse table

Display name Dataverse Schema name Data type Description
Requestor Full Name crc06_RequestorFullName Single line of text The full name of the user requesting reimbursement
Expenditure Cost Centre crc06_ExpenditureCostCentre Whole number The cost centre all line items will default to when they are entered in the repeating section

Columns in Request for Reimbursement Items Dataverse table

Display name Dataverse Schema name Data type Description
Description crc06_ItemDescription Single line of text Users enter a description for each line item of their reimbursement request
Cost Centre crc06_ItemCostCentre Whole number Users assign each line item of their reimbursement request a cost centre
Expense Code crc06_ItemExpenseCode Single line of text Users assign each line item an expense code
Amount crc06_ItemAmount Currency The line item’s value in dollars
Total Amount crc06_ItemAmountTotal Single line of text The line item’s total value in dollars (including tax, etc)
Index crc06_Index Numeric A numeric value indicating the sort order each line item should display in

Note: only columns used for the purpose of this blog post are shown here; the form itself includes more but they aren’t necessary for this demonstration

Configure the form’s data sources

From the Data view in Power Apps studio, click the Add data button. In the Current environment heading, you should see the two custom Dataverse tables created previously. Add both of them to your Canvas app

After the data sources are added, you should see the two data sources listed in the Data view, named as follows:

  • Requests for Reimbursement
  • Request for Reimbursement Items

Screen grab of the Data view in Power Apps Studio

Add an Edit form to your Canvas app

From the Tree view in Power Apps Studio, select the screen, and use the Insert button found in the tool bar to insert an Edit form control.

In the Tree view, select the newly added Edit form control. In the Properties pane, in the Properties tab, select the Data source created in the previous step: Requests for Reimbusement

Use the Edit fields link immediately below the Data source property to choose which fields in the Dataverse table should be shown on this form.

Swap to the Advanced tab in the Edit form’s Properties pane, and add the following formula to the OnSuccess property:

Set(LoadID, ClaimDetailsForm.LastSubmit.RequestForReimbursement);

In this formula, the Set() function updates a variable in your Canvas App named LoadID - any time the form is successfully submitted, the LoadID variable is updated with the ID value from the record created / updated during submission.

It is a good idea to rename the Edit form control so it can be referenced in other Power Fx formulas without confusion. For this example I named my Edit form control: ClaimDetailsForm

Screen grab of the [**OnSuccess**]( property of an Edit Form control in Power Apps Studio

Add two Collections to your Canvas app to hold the repeating section data

To create a Collection in Power Fx, use the ClearCollect() function. If like my Power App, you have multiple forms in the same app, and each form has its own Screen, I find the best place to create the Collection is in the OnVisible property of the screen used to first load the form.

From the Tree view in Power Apps Studio, select the screen, and in the Properties pane, in the Advanced tab, find the OnVisible property. Add the following formula:

    ClearCollect(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items, { Description: "", CostCentre: "", ExpenseCode: "", Amount: 0, AmountTotal: 0, ReimbusementOfExpenseID: GUID(LoadID), ID: BlankGuid, Index: 0 }), 
    ForAll(Filter('Request for Reimbursement Items', RequestForReimbursement.RequestForReimbursement = GUID(LoadID) ), Collect(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items, {
        ID: crc06_requestforreimbursementitemid, 
        Description: Description, 
        CostCentre: Text('Cost Centre'), 
        ExpenseCode: 'Expense Code', 
        Amount: Amount, 
        AmountTotal: Total, 
        Index: Index 


ClearCollect(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData, ReimbursementOfExpense_Items);

This formula performs the following:

  • If() function checks if the LoadID variable is blank, and ClearCollect() creates a collection named ReimbursementOfExpense_Items
  • The properties specified in the first ClearCollect() function match the columns in the Request for Reimbursement Items Dataverse table: Description, CostCentre, ExpenseCode, Amount, AmountTotal. ReimbusementOfExpenseID, and Index
  • If the LoadID variable is not blank, populates the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items collection with values by executing the ForAll() and Collect() functions across the Request for Reimbursement Items data source
  • The second ClearCollect() function clones the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items collection to a second collection named ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData

Click the Insert button found in the Power Apps Studio tool bar. Insert a Vertical gallery to your screen.

Tip: Use the Vertical gallery control, do not use the Blank vertical gallery control because a bug in the Power Apps Studio UI means you can’t add child controls to a blank gallery

When asked to select a data source, select the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items collection, which should be listed under the In your app heading.

From the Tree view in Power Apps Studio, select the newly added gallery, and in the Properties pane, in the Advanced tab, find the Items property, and change it to the following formula:

SortByColumns(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items, "Index")

This formula ensures the order of the items in the gallery remains consistent with the order they were entered.

In the Tree view, expand the gallery, and select one of the components already in the gallery. Using the Insert button in the tool bar, add 5x Text input controls.

Then, delete all the other controls not needed in the gallery, e.g. Separator1 NextArrow1, Subtitle1 etc.

With each Text input control you added to the gallery, first rename them by right-clicking the control in the Tree view pane, and selecting Rename. The name should marry up to the five columns created in the Request for Reimbursement Items Dataverse table: e.g. ItemDescriptionInput, ItemExpenseCodeInput, ItemCostCentreInput, ItemAmountInput, ItemAmountTotalInput

Then, for each Text input control, open the Properties pane, and go to the Advanced tab. Update the OnChange and Default properties as follows:

  • OnChange property:

      Patch(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData, LookUp(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData, Index = ThisItem.Index), { Description: Self.Text }); 
    1. Modify Description: to match the name of the column, and the corresponding name of the Input box
    2. For numeric values Amount and TotalAmount, wrap the Self.Text reference with the Value() function, e.g. Amount: Value(Self.Text)
  • Default property:


    Modify Description to match the name of the column

It is a good idea to resize and position each Text input control now so they don’t overlap each other, and so they fit inside your Gallery control. You may also want to change the size of the Gallery control so it doesn’t take more room than it needs to.

Tip: I like to make the gallery height expand with the number of items. The Height property of the gallery can be updated with a formula like this: CountRows(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items)*110

Using the Tree view, select one of the controls inside your Gallery control, and use the Icon button in the tool bar to insert an icon. I like to use the “Cancel” icon because it is an obvious choice by the user to delete a record by clicking it.

Select the Icon control you just added, and in the Properties pane, under the Advanced tab, update the OnSelect property as follows:

If(CountRows(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData) > 1, Remove(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData, LookUp(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData, Index = ThisItem.Index)));

ClearCollect(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items, ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData);

This formula performs the following:

  • CountRows() and If() checks the number of rows in the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData collection - the remove action will only execute of the number of rows is greater then 1
  • Remove() removes the record from the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData collection
  • ClearCollect() synchronises the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items collection with the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData collection

Tip: You may be wondering why there are two collections ReimbursementOfExpense_Items and ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData in this example. The reason is to avoid odd behaviour in Canvas Apps with the OnChange property of the text inputs. If you update the gallery’s data source directly in an event inside the gallery, the gallery effectively resets itself, and the UI doesn’t behave as you’d expect it to. The cursor position is lost any time the gallery’s data source is updated, so using the keyboard to tab around the text inputs after the field is changed means the cursor returns to the first field.

Insert a Button control to your screen, which will be used to add items to the repeating section. From the Tree view in Power Apps Studio, select the newly added Button control, and in the Properties pane, in the Advanced tab, find the OnSelect property, and add the following formula:

Collect(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData, { 
    Description: "", 
    CostCentre: "", 
    ExpenseCode: "", 
    Amount: 0, 
    AmountTotal: 0, 
    ReimbursementOfExpenseID: GUID(LoadID), 
    ID: BlankGuid, 
    Index: Max(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData, Index) + 1

ClearCollect(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items, ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData);

This formula performs the following:

  • Collect() adds a new record to the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData collection with blank or 0 values; it also ensures the value of ReimbursementOfExpenseID is the same as the form’s LoadID, and the Index property is 1 more than any previously added record in the collection
  • ClearCollect() synchronises the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items collection with the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData collection

I added a heading and field labels immediately above my Gallery control. These are cosmetic, they ensure the user knows which field they are editing when working with the repeating section.

Screen grab of the form's repeating section, including field labels, the gallery control, text input controls, remove button, and add button

Update the Edit form’s OnSuccess property to save the repeating section data

in a previous step, we added a formula to the Edit form control’s OnSuccess property.

We now want to update the OnSuccess formula to perform additional actions.

In the Tree view in Power Apps Studio, select the Edit form control added earlier. In the Properties pane, in the Advanced tab, update the OnSuccess property to the following formula:

Set(LoadID, ClaimDetailsForm.LastSubmit.RequestForReimbursement);

        LookUp(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items, Index=Index), 
            ID: Patch(
                'Request for Reimbursement Items', 
                    ID = BlankGuid, Defaults('Request for Reimbursement Items'), 
                    LookUp('Request for Reimbursement Items', crc06_requestforreimbursementitemid = ID)), { 
                        Name: Description, 
                        Description: Description, 
                        Amount: Amount, 
                        'Expense Code': 
                        ExpenseCode, 'Cost Centre': 
                        Total: AmountTotal, 
                        RequestForReimbursement: ClaimDetailsForm.LastSubmit, 
                        Index: Index 

            'Request for Reimbursement Items', 
            RequestForReimbursement.RequestForReimbursement = GUID(LoadID) 
            ID: crc06_requestforreimbursementitemid, 
            Description: Description, 
            CostCentre: Text('Cost Centre'), 
            ExpenseCode: 'Expense Code', 
            Amount: Amount, 
            AmountTotal: Total, 
            Index: Index

ClearCollect(ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData, ReimbursementOfExpense_Items);

The new steps added to this formula do the following:

  • ForAll() goes through the records in the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData collection, performs a Patch() against the Request for Reimbursement Items Dataverse table, updating the table’s values with the values from ReimbursementOfExpense_Items_SaveData

  • The ForAll() also updates the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items collection, to bring the ID value of the Dataverse record in to memory so future Patches update the same Dataverse record instead of creating new ones

  • The ClearCollect() refreshes the ReimbursementOfExpense_Items collection with the data from the Dataverse table, to ensure it remains in sync with the stored data.

Add a ‘Save’ button to save or submit the data entered by the user

Below the ‘Add’ button, create another button, this time to Save or Submit the form data. Because all the complexity of the repeating section is contained within the Edit form control’s OnSuccess property, the save button is very simple.

Select the Save button in Power Apps Studio, and in the Properties pane, in the Advanced tab, find the OnSelect property, and add the following formula:

Set(LoadID, ClaimDetailsForm.LastSubmit.RequestForReimbursement);

This formula submits the Edit form named ClaimDetailsForm, which saves the data of the form. When the Edit form successfully saves, the repeating section’s item info is also saved because the formula in the OnSuccess property of the ClaimDetailsForm executes.